sábado, 21 de junho de 2008

It's Not Your Fault

Trouble’s always looking for me
Or am I looking for it
And I just can’t see?

Am I in this because I wanted?
Should I’ve tried harder
Not to get disappointed?

It seems like I always get caught
Will I get hurt or will I not?
The answer is always the same
But you’re not the one to blame

It’s not your fault that I fell down
I should have looked well all around
It’s not your fault my train got off the tracks
I should’ve known the safety it lacks
It’s not your fault I’m slowly dying
I should have forced myself to keep trying

Looking both sides before crossing the street
Apparently is not enough
You could still get hit

Did you run a red light?
Did I stray from the crosswalk?
After all who’s right?

Pointing the finger at you
Is always easier than looking at me
Even if what kills me is the mess you do
I’m to blame because I refused to see


Um comentário:

Cisne disse...

Adoro esta... Mesmo. Não sei porquê(obiviamente pq é boa mas, porque é que gosto mais desta?:s), mas gosto.
