sábado, 21 de junho de 2008

It's Time

So, it seems
You're not the one for me
I thought I saw in my dreams
But you were never here

I've had about enough
Dealing wih your doubt
For you it's not as tough
'Cause you never really cared about me

It's time to get over you
I'm working on it
It's time to live for me too
I've never done it
So stop tearing my heart in pieces
I won't be the one who misses
You, anymore

It's time to let you go
Time for me to move on
Time to let you know that I have found a new dawn
I't's time for me to breathe
Time for me to see
All the things I gain if you're not with me, it's
Time for you to know why
It's time for us to die
Time to breakaway
Time for you to go to hell
It's time to find my way
Time to ring another bell
It's time for you to tell
That I'm perfectly well
Time for you to find other products to sell, it's
Time for you to know why
It's time for us to die

Looking at you from where I stand
I find you still give me the creeps
I know it's time for this to end
And my mind is giving me tips

Get out of this while you can
Don't look back and walk away
Are you ever gonna learn he's not the man
My mind keeps trying to say


2 comentários:

Cisne disse...

Eu acho que tu às vezes não tens bem a consciência, do orgulho que eu tenho em ti...

Anônimo disse...

É tempo sim senhora... é tempo de mostrar ao Mundo e quiçá à Europa (just kiding) esse talento escondido q tens!

Tb tenho mt orgulho em ti miuda!